Does Your Definition Of Family Match The Administration’s?

With the Trump Administration's travel ban enforceable once more, as a result of the Supreme Court ruling, it's important to see how the ban may affect your travel plans. The Administration has a narrow definition of family, and relatives you conside...

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Federal Court Win Shows Rule Of Law Still Protects Dreamers

The Trump Administration has called for a return to the "rule of law" and they found out that cuts both ways when Dreamer Jessica Colotl recently won a reprieve from deportation in federal court. The Georgia women has been seen as a poster child for...

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Do You Wish To Apply For A Green Card? Avoid These Popular Scams

For many immigrants, obtaining a visa to enter the U.S. is a privilege, but receiving a green card is a dream come true. With a green card, non-citizens become legal permanent residents of the United States and can live and work indefinitely without ...

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